Highness Urology Clinic – Dubai



Varicocelectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove swollen veins inside the scrotum. These veins, named varicoceles, can become enlarged. It is a condition that affects between 10- 15 % of men.


In most cases, men with varicocele show no symptoms, but the condition is often found after a routine doctor’s examination, or even by the patient himself, noticing a swelling of the scrotal region. There can also be pain in the scrotum, and if not treated, varicocele might cause infertility.

Doctors might also detect varicoceles using a Doppler Ultrasound.


It is not exactly known what causes varicoceles to develop in the scrotum, but in some cases it might be due to improper blood flow, causing the buildup.


Surgery will remove the affected veins and allow proper blood flow. Two different medical procedures are used to treat varicoceles:

under both general and local, anesthesia, an incision on the scrotum will be made, and each enlarged vein will be cut out, using an operation microscope , under 30x-40x magnification.

non-invasive procedure under general, anesthesia, using a Laparoscopic tube inserted through the abdomen, that will be used to make incisions on the swollen veins and dissect them properly, while leaving arteries intact.

In both cases, surgery will take less than an hour, and the patient will be able to go home afterwards, although it is recommended to stay home for the first 2-3 days.

Some painkillers might be prescribed to alleviate a light pain, which subsides after the first few days.

Sexual activity can be resumed 2-3 weeks after the surgery. There are minor complications that may rarely occur, like bleeding, buildup of fluid around the testicles, infection or damage to an artery. A doctor should be consulted if any complication appears.

A successful Varicocelectomy surgery can almost immediately treat male infertility in at least 40% of cases.

