Highness Urology Clinic – Dubai

Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction

Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction


Microscopic testicular sperm extraction is an invasive micro-surgical retrieval of sperm directly from the man’s reproductive system. It is used for fertility reasons, to help men with obstructive or non- obstructive Azoospermia, which is the most severe form of male infertility, and testicular failure. MicroTESE is used mostly to obtain the best quality of sperm for insemination, to get
enough of it in order to fertilize an egg from a woman, and to minimize -if any- damage to the reproductive organs.


If conception is impossible for a couple after several months, a doctor should be consulted. Physical examinations will then be performed to determine the cause of infertility. Practitioners might also perform other tests to evaluate male infertility:

used to determine any present hormonal issues

performed on the scrotal region in order to determine if the blood flow is normal

determines the quality, mobility, morphology and number of sperm present in the reproductive organs.

Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction


There are two separate stages. A process called ‘’Advanced Testicular Mapping’’ is initially performed, where a fine needle is used to extract testicular tissue from different areas, in order to find viable sperm.

If none is found, the doctor then must proceed with the MicroTESE surgery.

MicroTESE is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor performs a small incision in the middle of the scrotum, so that it can be opened, and looked at with an operating microscope, at 30x-40x magnification, in order to take sperm samples from different places of the testicles. Afterwards, the bleeding is stopped, and the testis are closed with very fine stitches.

There is only minimal pain, as testicles are healing rapidly, and some minor medication will be prescribed. Patients are asked to refrain from sexual activity, exercise and heavy lifting for at least 10 days after the surgery.

After examination, if any viable sperm is found, the patient will be notified the next day. At that point, it will be extracted and frozen in liquid nitrogen, in order to be used later for In-Vitro Fertilization.

Although it is a procedure that has become routine, there are some risks, as with any procedure, like bleeding, infection, testicular damage, and all the risks associated with general anesthesia.
