Highness Urology Clinic – Dubai

Penis Enlargement


Dissatisfaction with penis length can be a cause of great distress for a man, and can lead to high levels of anxiety, depression and shatter his self esteem. Treating this will improve physical appearance and enhance your partner’s sexual experience, while at the same time greatly improving your mental health.

We offer safe and cost-effective surgical and non-surgical procedures, that will increase penis length, and width, and will not affect sexual experience or sensitivity.


A cosmetic, non-surgical procedure that enhances penile girth, but does not affect length. A safe and effective filler of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is used to produce girth enhancement.

After local anaesthesia, the filler is inserted below the superficial layer of the dermis. The procedure lasts less than an hour, including preparation time, and there is minimal pain and discomfort.

The material provides a natural feel and satisfying cosmetic appearance, and typical girth gains are at 20- 30 %.

Results are noticeable within 3-4 weeks, and can last up to a year, or more depending on the subject. As the material is slowly absorbed by the patient’s body, follow-up injections will be needed after that.


Scrotoplasty is a surgical procedure to repair or treat the scrotum. It can be performed for cosmetic reasons, because of a birth defect, or to treat injury to the region.

During the surgery, the doctor removes excess skin and tissue connecting the skin and penis. A skin graft from another part of the body might be needed in case the skin and muscle of the patient’s scrotum has been stretched and needs reinforcement. Once the surgery is complete, the incision is closed, usually with dissolved sutures.

The result is a penis that appears significantly larger, and a more visually appealing scrotal region.

The procedure is also used to treat a condition called ‘’buried penis’’, that often appears at birth. The skin of the scrotum is attached too far up the shaft of the penis, resulting in something called ‘’webbing’’ that covers the penis.

The condition can also be caused to adults, due to obesity, or lymphadema, the buildup of fluid around the scrotal region.

Scrotoplasty takes about 1 to 2 hours, and the patient can return home the same day. There is no loss of sensation and it does not affect erectile function. Exercise, heavy lifting and sexual activity must be avoided for 3 to 4 weeks after the surgery.

There are risks, as with any surgery, like poor wound healing, infection or nerve damage, but our team of experienced doctors have performed thousands of surgeries, and guarantee results, as well as pre and post surgery treatment.

There is a high success rate for all these surgeries, although there can be some risks, like device malfunction (for prosthesis, less than 15% chance, at more than 10 years after the surgery) , and implant infection (less than 2% chance). Some loss of length can occur with skin grafts or pilification.


A Surgical procedure aimed at increasing the length and girth of the penis permanently. Penoplasty is a surgery with a high success rate

To increase length, Suspensory ligament division is performed (Ligamentolysis). The doctor severs the ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone, and moves skin from the abdomen to the shaft of the penis. This will increase length by 2- 5 cm.

A liposuction may also be performed to remove fat form the areas surrounding the penis. This does not affect size, but causes increased visual length.

In order to increase girth, a fat transfer procedure is performed. Fat cells are taken from another part of the body, and injected along the shaft of the penis. This increases width by approximately 2.5 cm.

In most cases, both length and width increases are performed, in order to achieve the best visual result.

PENOPLASTY takes between 1 to 2 hours, is performed under general anapesthesia, and the patient can go home the same day. It is permanent, irreversible, but can be performed again if additional length is desired.

Most patients experience swelling and some pain, that will subside after a few days.

The patient should stay home 2 to 3 days after the operation, and must refrain from any sexual activity for 6 weeks, and from exercise and heavy lifting for 4 weeks.

Penis Enlargement

Penis Enlargement