Highness Urology Clinic – Dubai




Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes unwanted fat from different parts of the body. It is performed on both men and women, on the  thighs, arms, back, abdomen, neck, chin and calves. Apart from the removal of fat through suction, it can also be used to reshape and contour all these areas.

Liposuction should not be considered a weight loss method or treatment for obesity, replacing exercise and dieting, but rather a cosmetic procedure. The patient should be in good health, refrain from smoking pre and post-op , have a good sleep schedule, and maintain an overall healthy lifestyle after the surgery.


As for the procedure itself, different techniques are available, based on the goals of the treatment, or the area:

the most common type. After anesthesia, a sterile solution is injected near the desired area, which will swell it and produce stiffness. A surgical tube, called cannula, is then inserted into small incisions made by the doctor. It is connected to a vacuum, that suctions fat directly from the body.

the cannula is energized with ultrasound, whose librations melt the fat. The liquefied fat cells are then suctioned out of the body easily.

the cannula is used to make rapid, back-and -forth movements, in order to break down fat cells and facilitate removal

otherwise known as laser- guided liposuction. After a small incision, laser heat and energy to break down the fat, which is then suctioned out with the cannula. The laser also helps tightening the skin, which produces better results.



In most cases, the patient will be able to return home on the same day after the surgery. There might be some inflammation and bruising, which will subside after 3 to 4 weeks, and standard antibiotics will be prescribed to avoid infection.

The process however, does not remove cellulite and stretch marks, and there is a small risk of scarring, infection or reaction to the anesthesia. It is not recommended if the patient is suffering from diabetes or has blood and heart issues. Results are permanent and the fat cells will not grow back once removed, but weight gain over time can influence the results
