Highness Urology Clinic – Dubai

Penis Enlargement in Dubai: How Does It Work?

Penis Enlargement in Dubai: How Does It Work?

Penis Enlargement in Dubai: For many men, the quest for increased confidence and enhanced self-esteem can lead to the consideration of penis enlargement procedures.

In this comprehensive guide, we explore penis enlargement in Dubai with the latest techniques, both non-surgical fillers and surgical options, to provide valuable insights for those seeking safe & effective penis enlargement procedures in Dubai.

Understanding Penis Enlargement Procedures:

We begin by demystifying the concept of penis enlargement, clarifying common misconceptions, and emphasizing the importance of making informed decisions. 

This article provides a balanced view of the benefits and considerations associated with penis enlargement in Dubai. We delve into the various techniques available today, highlighting their respective pros and cons. By shedding light on both surgical and non-surgical approaches, we enable our readers to explore options that align with their personal preferences and comfort levels

The photo shows doctor holding dermal filler which is used to increase the penis girth

Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement with Fillers

1.The Role of Dermal Fillers

How Dermal Fillers Work:

Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement With Fillers: Without affecting the length or intensity of the erection, the main purpose of these fillers is to increase penis girth. The fact that significant effects can be obtained on the day of therapy is a benefit. Following 12 to 18 months, top-up injections could be required since filler material tends to be absorbed by the body.

Penis injections made of hyaluronic acid have been used successfully for many years, primarily to plump up the lips and smooth out creases on the face. The most recent fillers are employed in non-surgical nose jobs and penile enhancements.

We provide the minimally invasive medical alternative for common penis-enlargement surgery. With short recovery period, the penis can be efficiently increased (i.e., the shaft can be thickened).

The Procedure:

Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement With Fillers: The procedure is quick, efficient, and almost painless. The dermal filler is injected directly into the penile shaft. At Highness Urology Clinic, we frequently employ two tiny injection sites with a microcannula, which provides increased safety in comparison to numerous sharp needle injections and far less trauma.

The filler will naturally integrate into the penis tissue over the course of one to two weeks, producing results that are smooth and free of lumps and bumps. The thickness of the penis should expand by 30% to 40% for the patient. 

Our hyaluronic acid-based fillers may contribute to a potential 0.5 to 1 inch increase in penis flaccid state length. This effect is attributed to the added weight of the filler, gently pulling the penis downward.

Using our unique process, the filler is injected deeper into the shaft for a stronger, smoother, and more natural outcome. We also provide injections of dermal penis filler into the glans to maintain balance and symmetry.

Pros and Cons of Fillers:

Advantages: The quick recovery time, immediate results, and non-surgical nature of the procedure.
Limitations: Addressing the temporary results that last 12 to 18 months.


Frequently Asked Questions About Penis Enlargement in Dubai with Dermal Fillers


Am I a good candidate for penis enlargement procedure?

If your penis frustrates you because you believe it falls short of your expectations? If so, penis enlargement “penile enlargement” might make you feel more self-assured. However, many men who are looking for remedies for their little penises frequently have an inaccurate perception of what they actually possess. Therefore, during a first session, you should talk about how big you think your penis is and whether you have reasonable expectations about how it will improve.

You can discuss your worries and questions during your private, confidential appointment, then think about the entire process before making a decision. We’ll go into detail about the advantages and hazards of penile enlargement for you. Additionally, your doctor will inform you of your realistic goals. Your physical examination will assist in determining what your personal needs and options for penis enlargement.
How much filler will I need and when will I see results?
Between patients, there is a substantial difference. The length of the penis and the quantity of filler injected determine how much girth is gained. In contrast, a longer penis will need more filler. A shorter penis will require less filler.
It is safer and more efficient to gradually increase girth in small, controlled increments over time rather than all at once. It is not a huge bother to get a little amount of more filler on a subsequent visit should that be wanted because the healing period is rather brief.
Patients can immediately see effects.
cactus shadow represents penis enlargement

Surgical Procedures


A penoplasty is a surgical operation that can lengthen the penis, widen it, or both, depending on the patient. An incision will be performed above the shaft’s base to lengthen it. The penile suspensory ligament can be partially released in this way, allowing the shaft to be pushed forward and lengthened externally by, on average, one to two inches (2.5 cm–3 cm). To avoid postoperative ligament shortening, we often use an advanced approach that has been improved.

Men who have a large pubic fat pad may be able to increase their visual length by having liposuction done here. This lengthening only occurs in the flaccid position, and some men may notice that the angle of the erection is a little bit less acute.

To increase the girth, a little amount of fat is collected by liposuction from the stomach or thigh areas, and then the fat is injected back into the body along the shaft. The typical increase in circumference (girth) is approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm). There won’t be any surgical incisions because the fat injection is performed through a specific cannula.

Both the flaccid and erect phases will show the shaft’s expansion. Although it is possible to have either only the length or only the girth increased, we do so simultaneously to ensure a natural appearance. the extension or growth (girth). Erection, sensation, and urination will all perform exactly as they should.

A penoplasty is typically done as a day-case operation under local anesthesia and IV sedation (not under general anesthesia). During the process, you won’t experience any discomfort at all, and you won’t recall a thing. Depending on whether you need an enlargement, a lengthening, or both, the procedure typically lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.
