Highness Urology Clinic – Dubai

AB Definition

ab definition


Many men struggle to gain the abdominal muscle definition they desire, no matter how much exercise they put into it. Ab definition, also know as ab etching, is part of liposculpture, and helps to showcase abdominal muscles in a quick and safe way.

A ‘’6-pack’’ is part of the optimal image of a male body. It is highly desired and demanded in the world of athletics and entertainment, and is extremely difficult to acquire through exercise, so many men opt for the surgical procedure instead.

During the consultation, the doctor will go over medical and surgical history, and also ask questions on dieting and exercise habits. He will examine the areas from which fat will be removed, the condition of the skin and amount of fat, and determine of the patient is a good candidate for ab etching.


For 6 hours before the procedure, no food or drinks should be consumed, except for sips of water if needed.

After the doctor administers general anesthesia and the abdominal area is numbed, small incisions will be made on small, specific areas, from which fat will be suctioned, with a cannula, the surgical tool used in liposuction, and the abdominal tissue will be contoured strategically.

The marked areas will then be closed with dissolvable sutures. The surgery lasts approximately 1 to 3 hours, and the patient can return home the same day.


For the first two weeks post-op, a specific garment covering the area will need to be worn, and heavy lifting and strenuous exercise should be avoided.

For several weeks before and after the procedure, the patient should refrain from smoking, alcohol, and any type of blood-thinning medication. As with liposuction, after ab etching, a healthy lifestyle should be maintained in order to enjoy results as long as
possible, and by no means should it be considered a weight-loss tool. The patient can prolong the results by doing several abdominal exercises a few times per week.

There might be complications associated with ab etching, but is is generally considered a very low-risk procedure. Some of these are:

– swelling
– bruising
– minimal skin scarring
– nerve damage
– blood vessel damage
